Animal Healing

Mindful Mutts – A Guide to Practicing Mindfulness With Your Dog

I'm Claire!

I'm an Animal Kinesiologist writing about all things animals and energy. I am passionate about sharing insights into the energetic bond we share with our animals, and the valuable lessons they bring us.

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In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety affect not only humans, but also our beloved canine companions. Dogs, like us, can experience stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges. If unchecked and unmanaged, this can lead to behavioural issues and compromised wellbeing.  As with our own mental health, it is becoming increasingly important to prioritise the well-being of our dogs by exploring and implementing practices that promote relaxation and support emotional balance. 

Mindfulness and meditation has gained popularity among humans due to the proven benefits in reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and enhancing overall well-being. But did you know that these practices can also bring profound positive changes to our canine companions?

In this blog post, we will explore mindfulness techniques, you can share with your dog, and how to introduce these mindful moments into your day, creating a pawsitive impact for you both.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a mental practice that involves paying full attention to the present moment without judgment. It’s about acknowledging and accepting your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings as they are, in the here and now, in a non-reactive manner.

This practice helps individuals foster a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them, creating a feeling of connection.

Mindfulness involves observing one’s thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations, refraining from labelling experiences as “good” or “bad.” Instead, encouraging an open and accepting attitude towards whatever arises.

When you practice mindfulness, you become fully immersed in the present, fostering a sense of peace, calm, and mental clarity.

The Mindfulness of Dogs

Dogs naturally embody mindfulness in their daily lives.  They don’t dwell on the past, or worry about the future. Whether enjoying a simple belly rub or a playful game of fetch, dogs are masters at being “in the now”.  They fully engage with the present moment, savouring each experience, and their ability to be fully present, without judgement, is a lesson to us all.

Mindfulness for dogs involves encouraging them to cultivate awareness of the present moment without judgment. It’s about helping dogs stay fully engaged in their experiences, sensations, and surroundings. Whilst they don’t practice mindfulness in the same way humans do, they naturally possess some of its key elements, which we can tap into.

The Benefits

Mindfulness techniques are mutually beneficial for both you and your dog. Here are just some areas you could expect to see a positive change:

Enhanced Bonding: Mindfulness practices deepen your connection with your dog, fostering a stronger bond built on trust and understanding. Your position as your dog’s ‘safe space’ is reinforced.

Reduced Stress: Mindfulness techniques can help reduce stress for both you and your dog, leading to a more peaceful and harmonious household.

Improved Communication: Mindfulness allows you to better understand your dog’s needs, emotions, and cues, improving interspecies communication.

Emotional Balance: Dogs can experience anxiety or fear, just like humans. Mindfulness practices can help them manage these emotions more effectively, improving regulation of the nervous system.

Increased Patience: Mindfulness fosters patience, which can be particularly useful when training or dealing with behavioural issues.

Health Benefits: Reduced stress can lead to improved physical health for both you and your dog. Reduced stress and anxiety are associated with a stronger immune system and better overall health.

Being intentionally mindful has numerous benefits.  Simply by helping your dog be present in the moment and focusing their attention, you are encouraging them to release stress, improving their overall mental and emotional state.

Here are some mindful practices you may like to try with your dog:

The Power of Silent Companionship

Silent companionship is a form of mindfulness where you and your dog simply share the same space in a state of peaceful presence. This practice can be incredibly bonding and soothing for both of you.

Create a peaceful space, by dedicating a quiet and comfortable area in your home or garden for mindfulness practices. Remove distractions to create a serene environment.

Sit or lie down near your dog and allow yourselves to be fully present with each other. You don’t need to do anything or say anything. Just exist together in a harmonious silence, appreciating the unique connection you share.

Focus on the sensation of their body against yours. Gently feel for their heartbeat and the rhythm of their breathing. Allow your worries to melt away in the embrace of your mindful companion.

You may choose to practise mindfulness at the beach, or in a beautiful park. Listen without judgement to the sounds you hear around you, letting the natural surroundings soothe your souls.

Walking with Mindfulness

Enjoy a mindful walk with your dog, taking the opportunity to un-plug from the stresses and obligations of your day. Instead of rushing, focus on each step, the sensation of your feet hitting the ground, the rustle of leaves, and the sounds of nature.

Allow your dog to explore and be present with them in the moment. Observe the world together, appreciating the beauty of nature. Allow them to sniff and explore their surroundings, noticing the things they are intrigued by.

As you connect into your dog’s energy; immerse yourself in silent observation of the sights, sounds and smells of the environment.  Feel a sense of connection to the earth, and focus on simply ‘being’.

Mindful Play

Play with your dog mindfully. Instead of hurrying through a game of fetch, be fully present. Watch the way they chase the ball; their excitement as they retrieve it, and their joy in the moment.

If you notice your mind wandering back to chores and other demands on your time, gently guide your thoughts back to your dog.  Feel into their excitement and their playfulness. They are not concerned about how, or when, the game will end. They are simply enjoying each moment.

Notice how much more you relax when all of your energy moves into experiencing the present, without concerning yourself with the next task to be completed.

How can you incorporate more presence into other areas of your life? How much more joyful would your life be if you brought the same level of presence to other tasks throughout your day?

Mindful Breathing

Sit quietly with your dog and begin by focusing on your breath. Bring your attention to your chest, noticing the gentle rise and fall.  Notice the sensation of air entering and leaving your nostrils, smoothly and effortlessly.

Now bring your attention to your dog’s chest, observing the gentle rise and fall of their body.  Visualise them relaxing with every breath that they take. Breathing in healing white light, and breathing out  stress and tension.

Notice how you both become more relaxed with each breath.

Enjoy sharing this space and time in mindful connection with your dog


The secret to practicing mindfulness with any animal is patience and understanding. Understand that dogs may take some time to adapt to mindfulness practices. Be patient and gentle with your furry friend – and yourself.

As you embark on this journey of mindfulness with your dog, remember that the real magic lies in the simple act of being together, cherishing the moments of peace, presence, and unconditional love that you share.



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Animal Kinesiologist, Animal behaviourist, bodywork practitioner 

I'm Claire.
Animal Kinesiologist + Animal Lover

As an Animal Practitioner with over 20+ years experience, when I am not working with animals - I love to write about them!  Kinesiology gives a very unique perspective into the emotional experience of animals, and how trapped emotions affects both their behaviour and their physical wellbeing. I am passionate about sharing my experiences and lessons from the animals I work with. Enjoy!

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