Energy Healing for
Nervous Dogs

Energy Healing for Nervous Dogs 

An online course in Energy Healing for dogs who are anxious or fearful. This course combines energy medicine with the science of canine emotions.

Unlock your dog's brave by identifying and releasing memories of fear from past experiences or situations.

unleashing canine confidence

Trying to support a dog with anxiety can be difficult.  You often feel both heart-broken and frustrated in equal measures, with training techniques alone not helping in the way you hoped they would. 

You understand your dog is holding onto a past trauma, unable to escape the feeling of fear, through no fault of their own, and you desperately want to support them in any way possible.

You feel frustrated and helpless because you don't understand their fear, and are unable to communicate to them that they are safe.  

Does your dog struggle with anxiety?

from fearful to fearless

Did you know that 72% of all dog behaviour problems are because of fear and anxiety?

I'm a Specialist Animal Kinesiologist with 25 years of experience working with animals.  I can help you, because I have been there myself. Resolving my own dog's fear led my on a journey from dog training into energy healing, and I'm so excited to be sharing the same techniques I used.

I have helped 1000's of dogs (and their humans) overcome their fears; find their brave; and connect to a new sense of safety in the world.

I can't wait to take you on this journey to unpack your dog's anxiety, taking them from fearful to fearless.

Hi, I'm Claire.
Your Animal
Healing Coach.

sign me up for $29

on this journey you will gain:

an understanding of your dog's fear from a new perspective

To resolve a fear or security it is important to establish what the core fear is, and why your dog hasn't been able to resolve this emotion, instead, holding it as part of their identity.

an understanding of how your dog mirrors your emotions

We often share the same emotional woundings as our dogs, therefore the same fears and insecurities can exist as an emotional mirror. This is a healing journey for you too!

A way to release the trapped emotions!

By releasing the trapped emotions of fear, your dog will come back into energetic balance.  This means they will become more emotionally resilient and confident.

Kinesiology energy healing is a holistic and non-invasive technique, which is highly effective in releasing emotional stress for animals.

Drawing inspiration from human kinesiology, these techniques focus on the inter-connectedness of the animal’s physical, emotional, and energetic systems.

This energy healing uses biofeedback (muscle testing techniques) to identify and release trapped emotions and stresses from past associations or experiences.

Dogs with anxiety in the present day, have trapped, unresolved fear from a past experience.  This means they have not been able to process the past experience, and resolved how they can feel safe in the future. This has created a belief system that has to be changed in order for them to experience the world differently.

I have spent 10 years honing energy healing techniques to get right to this core fear, and release it......

What is Kinesiology Energy Healing?

kinesiology - energy healing

The method

This course will take you through the process of identifying your own dog's core fear ~ and releasing it.  Emotions are simply vibrations held within the body, and once the vibration is released, your dogs fear response will return back to a normal, balanced, level. I will teach you the art of muscle testing, which is an extremely effective and accurate way of testing which emotions are causing the particular problem for your dog.

energy healing for nervous dogs


Module One

In this module you will be deep-diving into assessing your dogs fear and anxiety, gaining insights into triggers, as well as learning their more subtle insecurities.

You will also begin your journey into your emotions, discovering why your emotions are part of this holistic approach.

Course breakdown:

Take a look inside

Module Two

I will be teaching you biofeedback (muscle testing), step by step, for the absolute beginner. This is a powerful technique used to access and test emotions within your dogs nervous system. Don't worry if you haven't done this before - I've got you!

Using this new skill, you will be able to clearly identify the specific trapped emotion holding your dog in a fearful pattern. And it may not be what you think!

I am also going to guide you to explore the ways this particular emotion may be mirrored in your life.

Module Three

I will take you through a process to uncover the emotions  and energetic pattern you share with your dog. 

What life lessons and soul contracts do you share?

How might the same patterns be showing up in your life?

You will learn to analyse the emotions and establish a truly holistic healing session.

Module Four

In this module I am really going to show you the power of energy healing!  Step by step, I will teach you an energy release process, that will help your dog process and release fear. 

Your dog will experience immediate relief by releasing these trapped emotions that have been retained from past experiences and affecting them in the present time.

Module Five

It's time to put it all together!

I will take you step by step, through a complete healing treatment for your dog, putting all your new skills into practice.  You will single-handedly be releasing fear, and restoring calm and balance.

BONUS: You will also receive a specially curated masterclass of top training tips to consolidate the new calmer behaviours your dog will exhibit.

You have an innate healing ability.
Are you ready to become the hero of your dog's story?






here's what you can expect:

How does this sound?

identify the source of your dog's fear, uncovering their unique story.

explore the emotional mirror that exists between you and your dog. Do you share the same emotions and fears?

learn to release trapped emotions using a powerful Energy healing technique.

access tips on supporting your dog, by reinforcing their confident behaviour building on their new-found emotional resilience.

learn the powerful biofeedback technique (muscle testing) that will allow you to connect to your dog's emotions.


All modules are online and consist of detailed video tutorials and
download-able workbooks.

fully online

Enrol now and study at your own pace. Life can get busy and there are no time limits here.


Enrol today to unlock lifetime access, including any future updates to the course content.

lifetime access

How it works

"This course changed my dog's life. I swear, it's that good!"

"This course gave me the courage to finally quit my job, and start my biz"

next review

The truth of the matter is that when you heal your dog's emotions, you heal a part of yourself too .....

so let's get started!

This course is the only one of its kind because...

IT includes healing for you - the human in this story!

Animal healing is a team sport! Trust that you have attracted into your life, the perfect dog, at the perfect time, to teach you the perfect lesson.

In this course you will be guided to explore the ways in which you share a similar emotional pattern to your dog, identifying common core woundings, and limiting beliefs. 

Your dog has come into your life because you are the one person in the world who will understand them......because part of you is the same. You understand their insecurities, whether that be a difficulty in feeling safe in the world, or a fear of things being out of your control.  This creates the perfect opportunity for your both to heal and release trapped or unresolved emotions.

 "I'm on day 4 with my dog, and OMG the difference in our relationship!

For that I am already forever grateful."

- shauna

Study at your own pace

all course content included

online content available anywhere - globally

Follow a proven roadmap of healing and behaviour modification

Fear impacts more than just behaviour.  Your dog's anxiety is also affecting their physical health and wellbeing.

Emotional stress becomes physical stress over time and can manifest as muscle tension and inflammation.

Long-term stress impacts the immune system, increasing allergies, itchy skin, and auto-immune disorders.

Your dog's fear issues compounds their inability to regulate their emotions.

The is a strong correlation between anxiety and digestive disorders, often mis-diagnoses as food intolerances.

The dangers of compounding stress:

it's time for change

"I didn't think it would work, but I couldn't believe it when I saw improvements in my dog almost immediately.  After this course I am not only more aware of my emotions, but I also know how to be calmer and support my dog. 

I can't recommend this course highly enough!"

"This course gave me the courage to finally quit my job, and start my biz"

next review

10 years ago I was at a loss as to how to help my dog overcome fear.

True change came to me when I finally decided that enough was enough. I refused to spend another year managing the environment and being hyper-vigilant to his triggers. I needed to release the stress for both of us!

i can help because i've been there

....And nowI know how to help!


I realised that a huge part of my stress and frustration had been because I didn't understand why my dog was so scared. I was aware that our animals can mirror our emotions, but I had no idea what this could be, and what this meant for me.

Once I learned the techniques and unlocked the answers to my questions - everything changed.

Traust that you are in
the right place.

Study at your own pace

all course content included

online content available anywhere - globally

Follow a proven roadmap of healing and behaviour modification

This course includes everything you need help release the fears that hold your dog back.

Not only will you be changing their behaviour for the better ~ you will be changing their entire being. The effects are profound.

Try the course for 5 days.
Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

We're all about serving animals and their humans in the highest and best way possible, therefore if you feel that this course is not fully aligned with you, you can request a full refund within 5 days of purchase.

money back 


This      for you if:

You dog needs a bit of extra help to find their brave

don't want explore how your dog may be mirroring your emotions

training techniques alone are just not working

YOU'RE NOT open to healing emotions through energy work

you ralise you need to address your anxiety alongside your dog!

It's probably        for you if...

If you don't think change is possible



Let's do this thing.


How long do I have to complete the course after I purchase it?

This is a self-paced course and you can take as long as you need to work through the modules. I recognise that life gets busy and that sometimes self-study has to take a backseat, therefore you will have lifetime access to the course material, including any updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have never tried anything like this before, what if I can't do it?

Believe me, absolutely anyone can learn these energy healing techniques.  I have designed this course for the absolute beginner.  You don't need to have any previous experience as I will take you through everything step-by-step.  You can reach out for help at any point, and a course mentor will assist you.  The biggest thing is to believe in yourself - you've got this!

My dog has had anxiety issues for a long time. Can this actually be resolved?

Even dogs who have suffered with anxiety for a number of years can definitely receive the benefits of this healing. The reason you may not have seen any improvement up until now, is because you have been unable to identify and resolve the core fear your dog suffers from.  This may be a fear of not feeling safe, or a fear of being vulnerable.  This course will unlock and release this core fear which will help your dog regulate their emotions.  The outcome is more confident behaviours and an increase in emotional resilency.