
What is Animal Kinesiology?

I'm Claire!

I'm an Animal Kinesiologist writing about all things animals and energy. I am passionate about sharing insights into the energetic bond we share with our animals, and the valuable lessons they bring us.

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What Is Animal Kinesiology?

Animal Kinesiology is the science of muscle testing, determining physical, biochemical, emotional and energetic blockages affecting your animal’s health and wellbeing.

Muscle feedback is affected by changes in the nervous system, muscle fibre/tissue impairment, toxins, organ stress, meridian blockages and emotional stress. In western medicine we have a very thorough understanding of animal anatomy  and the intricacies of muscles and organs . On the other hand, Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) considers the body as whole when treating ailments. TCM principles recognise each muscle in the body is associated with a specific organ, meridian and chakra. Kinesiology is a unique modality, in that it combines both eastern and western methodology with the art of muscle testing.


Testing a series of muscles, a kinesiologist is able to determine the location of stress in the body, and what form it takes. The stress may be neurological, physical, emotional, biochemical or energetic. The kinesiologist will have a wide range of corrections and re-balancing techniques available to effectively remove the stress. Re-testing the affected muscle in a balanced state confirms the removal of the stress. In removing stress, the kinesiologist has created the environment for the body to then rebalance itself and allow deep level healing.


What is Animal Kinesiology?


Kinesiology is an extremely effective modality for animals. A few kinesiologists, like myself, have adapted the kinesiology corrections to address issues in animals. We use expertise in animal anatomy and animal behaviour as a means of pinpointing areas of stress. Muscle testing is such a fine art, kinesiologists often pick up on subtle imbalances missed by veterinarians. For example, a kinesiologist may identify a muscle as testing either too weak or too strong when held. Further testing will indicate whether the muscle itself is holding stress, or if the stress is coming from the associated organ or meridian. The type of stress will then be identified as perhaps emotional, the result of a toxin, or a blocked acupressure point, to name but a few.


Muscle balance relates very strongly to the emotional state of the animal, therefore by using neurological techniques, the kinesiologist will identify the nature of the emotion and which part of the brain is triggering it. By identifying the emotion felt by the animal, it allows the owner a real insight into underlying stimulus for responses such as fear, anxiety, phobias, or aggression.


Claire Oats, Specialist Kinesiologist at Animal Energy Therapies is leading the way in this field, pioneering a unique approach to holistic animal wellness. The results have captured attention from a global audience, helping shift the paradigm of integrative medicine for animals to the forefront.


An Animal Kinesiology balance will include the following:


  • Testing key muscles to determine which show signs of imbalance.
  • Identifying the muscle, organ, body system or energy system holding stress.
  • Identifying the area of the nervous system affected.
  • Identifying emotional factors using meridian information to build a picture of the emotional source of the imbalance.
  • Testing to see if the owner is holding stress and if this is contributing to the animals presenting issue.
  • Selecting a combination of body work moves or TCM techniques to remove the stress and rebalance the body as a whole.
  • Retesting the muscles to ensure balance is restored.


How do you muscle test on an animal?


When testing muscles on a human, the position of the limb when testing is crucial in ensuring only one muscle is being tested, and not a group of muscles that are compensating for any weaknesses. It is virtually impossible to do this with an animal as testing muscle resistance is problematic. For example, you cannot communicate to a dog “Can you please hold your leg in an outstretched position and keep it there whilst I apply gentle pressure to see if it holds strong?” It just doesn’t work that way! Therefore, when working with animals, kinesiologists have adapted the chiropractic technique of surrogate muscle testing. This is when the energy of the animal is superimposed onto a surrogate human body for muscle testing. When clients visit my clinic with their animal, I will use the owner as the surrogate body and have them hold a piece of the animal’s fur as a way of adopting the energy as their own. By using kinesiology protocols, I can differentiate the animal’s energy from that of the owner. As a specialist kinesiologist I can also switch between the energy of the owner and the animal’s simultaneously in situations to determine if the owner’s stress is actually part of the animal’s problem!
Working with a surrogate means I will complete the analysis and muscle testing aspects on the owner, and then perform the corrections and rebalancing techniques on the animal itself.


What is ‘Remote Connection’ and how does it work?


Remote connection is used in situations where the animal cannot be physically present in the clinic. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Animals such as horses and livestock are difficult to treat in a clinic environment, not to mention a great number of my clients are located overseas. In cases such as this, I ask the owner for a fur sample from their animal, and then use a surrogate body in my clinic. The session follows much the same procedure as if attending in person, but I perform the corrections and rebalancing techniques on the surrogate.


How can the animal be re-balanced when not physically there?


This is where things get interesting. Energy medicine practitioners have been able to perform healing from a distance for thousands of years. Once completely unexplained, science can now offer answers. Quantum Entanglement is the physics law thought to perhaps be behind this phenomenon. In simplistic terms, quantum entanglement describes the way separate, but related particles influence each others behaviour. For example, if particle A is spun in a certain direction, particle B will start spinning relative to particle A, even although they may be vast distances apart. This exchange of energy between the particles has been estimated to occur at 10,000 times the speed of light, possibly even instantaneously. It is my belief that this is the energetic law at play when I use a fur sample from an animal and work from a distant location. The correction and re-balancing techniques I use, instantaneously affect the animal in the exact same manner. All I know for sure is that when working with an animal client, the effects are just as effective as if the animal is physically present. Experienced energy medicine practitioners have also developed the technique of connecting with the animal via a photograph. Strange as it is, the energy feels exactly the same as when using a fur sample.


Why choose Animal Kinesiology?


As an animal kinesiologist I have extensive knowledge of animal anatomy which means I can investigate issues from organ level down to abnormal cellular activity. This means the core issue can be accurately identified. The success of kinesiology is down to combining this in-depth anatomy knowledge with a variety of corrections and re-balancing techniques. Many modalities have a ‘one size fits all’ approach, which doesn’t always suit the unique energy systems of individuals. Kinesiology allows the animal to select the technique that will be most effective for them, allowing their body to naturally rebalance.


Kinesiology bypasses the conscious mind and allows access to subconscious emotional and behavioural patterns unlike any other modality. In cases of behavioural problems, this is hugely important in resolving the issue effectively. When clearing physical stress, kinesiology helps prevent the problem recurring by identifying these subconscious issues and treating the issue as a whole.


  1. Penny says:

    Do you do distance healing on
    horses ???? I may be interested in help for my horse . . . . Thank You

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Animal Kinesiologist, Animal behaviourist, bodywork practitioner 

I'm Claire.
Animal Kinesiologist + Animal Lover

As an Animal Practitioner with over 20+ years experience, when I am not working with animals - I love to write about them!  Kinesiology gives a very unique perspective into the emotional experience of animals, and how trapped emotions affects both their behaviour and their physical wellbeing. I am passionate about sharing my experiences and lessons from the animals I work with. Enjoy!

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