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Welcome to the blog! This is where I share my expertise; experiences; case studies, and general musings on all things animals and energy healing. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you take some time to enjoy the blog posts that resonate with you
Animal Kinesiologist, Animal behaviourist, bodywork practitioner
As an Animal Practitioner with over 20+ years experience, when I am not working with animals - I love to write about them! Kinesiology gives a very unique perspective into the emotional experience of animals, and how trapped emotions affects both their behaviour and their physical wellbeing. I am passionate about sharing my experiences and lessons from the animals I work with. Enjoy!
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As an Animal Kinesiologist and behaviourist, I combine 20+ years of experience in helping resolve behaviour problems and physical stress, using emotional release techniques.
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Learn how to identify and release trapped emotions affecting both the behaviour, and physical wellbeing of animals. Learn to balance meridians, chakras, organs, muscles, and so much more!
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Just so you know, I'm not into junk mail. But...I am obsessed with all things animals and energy. I'd love to share some regular ideas about how you can connect on a deeper level with your animal.
If this is your vibe too, then let's be Pen Pals!